Lewei Wang Story

Business Storytelling

Business Storytelling Services


Business storytelling is an art. It helps your business find its own voice through the most efficient ways when communicating with the clients, investors and users. Areas of business storytelling include but not limit to presentation design, branding design, and product visual design.

My Services



In-person / remote training to both groups and individuals to help you master the art of visual storytelling at work.


Consulting service curated for each case to help uplevel your next pitch in the format of pitching presentation, one-pager, branding video and all the marketing materials.

Full Design

Building the business pitch from scratch. This enables you to translate your business ideas into engaging and presentable materials that would impress your target audience (customers / clients / investors) deeply.

My Clients

My clients are involved in diverse industries, including: venture capital, technology, social networks, bio-tech, e-commerce, gaming, etc.

clients Include

Tsingyuan Ventures | Fatkat Club | 1point3acres | Visionular | Cascade Range Networks | Argospect Technologies | Lodestar | etc.

Keynotes & Seminars

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